วันอังคารที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chillispot แบบ fixed ip


Chillispot แบบ fixed ip (Static IP address) และแบบ DHCP
มีหลายคนเข้าใจผิด คิดว่า Chillispot ทำงานกับเครื่องลูกที่ถูก fixed IP ไม่ได้

-ubuntu 8.0.4
-chillispot 1.0
-freeradius 1.1.7
-phpmyprepaid 0.4 RC3

#nano /etc/chillispot.conf -------------ตามนี้

# Sample ChilliSpot configuration file

# TAG: fg
# Include this flag if process is to run in the foreground

# TAG: debug
# Include this flag to include debug information.

# TAG: interval
# Re-read configuration file at this interval. Will also cause new domain
# name lookups to be performed. Value is given in seconds.
#interval 3600

# TAG: pidfile
# File to store information about the process id of the program.
# The program must have write access to this file/directory.
#pidfile /var/run/chilli.pid

# TAG: statedir
# Directory to use for nonvolatile storage.
# The program must have write access to this directory.
# This tag is currently ignored
#statedir ./

# TUN parameters

# TAG: net
# IP network address of external packet data network
# Used to allocate dynamic IP addresses and set up routing.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: dynip
# Dynamic IP address pool
# Used to allocate dynamic IP addresses to clients.
# If not set it defaults to the net tag.
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!


# TAG: statip
# Static IP address pool
# Used to allocate static IP addresses to clients.
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!

# TAG: dns1
# Primary DNS server.
# Will be suggested to the client.
# If omitted the system default will be used.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: dns2
# Secondary DNS server.
# Will be suggested to the client.
# If omitted the system default will be used.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: domain
# Domain name
# Will be suggested to the client.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#domain tfh.com,

# TAG: ipup
# Script executed after network interface has been brought up.
# Executed with the following parameters:
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#ipup /etc/chilli.ipup

# TAG: ipdown
# Script executed after network interface has been taken down.
# Executed with the following parameters:
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#ipdown /etc/chilli.ipdown

# Radius parameters

# TAG: radiuslisten
# IP address to listen to
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: radiusserver1
# IP address of radius server 1
# For most installations you need to modify this tag.

# TAG: radiusserver2
# IP address of radius server 2
# If you have only one radius server you should set radiusserver2 to the
# same value as radiusserver1.
# For most installations you need to modify this tag.

# TAG: radiusauthport
# Radius authentication port
# The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests.
# The same port number is used for both radiusserver1 and radiusserver2.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusauthport 1812

# TAG: radiusacctport
# Radius accounting port
# The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests.
# The same port number is used for both radiusserver1 and radiusserver2.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusacctport 1813

# TAG: radiussecret
# Radius shared secret for both servers
# For all installations you should modify this tag.
radiussecret sharedsecret

# TAG: radiusnasid
# Radius NAS-Identifier
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusnasid nas01

# TAG: radiuslocationid
# WISPr Location ID. Should be in the format: isocc=,
# cc=,ac=,network=
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiuslocationid isocc=us,cc=1,ac=408,network=ACMEWISP_NewarkAirport

# TAG: radiuslocationname
# WISPr Location Name. Should be in the format:
# ,
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiuslocationname ACMEWISP,Gate_14_Terminal_C_of_Newark_Airport

# Radius proxy parameters

# TAG: proxylisten
# IP address to listen to
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: proxyport
# UDP port to listen to.
# If not specified a port will be selected by the system
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#proxyport 1645

# TAG: proxyclient
# Client(s) from which we accept radius requests
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: proxysecret
# Radius proxy shared secret for all clients
# If not specified defaults to radiussecret
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#proxysecret testing123

# DHCP Parameters

# TAG: dhcpif
# Ethernet interface to listen to.
# This is the network interface which is connected to the access points.
# In a typical configuration this tag should be set to eth1.
dhcpif eth1
GNU nano 2.0.7 File: /etc/chilli.conf

# TAG: dhcpmac
# Use specified MAC address.
# An address in the range 00:00:5E:00:02:00 - 00:00:5E:FF:FF:FF falls
# within the IANA range of addresses and is not allocated for other
# purposes.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#dhcpmac 00:00:5E:00:02:00

# TAG: lease
# Time before DHCP lease expires
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#lease 600

# Universal access method (UAM) parameters

# TAG: uamserver
# URL of web server handling authentication.

# TAG: uamhomepage
# URL of welcome homepage.
# Unauthenticated users will be redirected to this URL. If not specified
# users will be redirected to the uamserver instead.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: uamsecret
# Shared between chilli and authentication web server
uamsecret sharedsecret

# TAG: uamlisten
# IP address to listen to for authentication requests
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!

# TAG: uamport
# TCP port to listen to for authentication requests
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!
#uamport 3990

# TAG: uamallowed
# Comma separated list of domain names, IP addresses or network segments
# the client can access without first authenticating.
# It is possible to specify this tag multiple times.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
uamallowed www.chillispot.org,

# TAG: uamanydns
# If this flag is given unauthenticated users are allowed to use
# any DNS server.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# MAC authentication

# TAG: macauth
# If this flag is given users will be authenticated only on their MAC
# address.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: macallowed
# List of MAC addresses.
# The MAC addresses specified in this list will be authenticated only on
# their MAC address.
# This tag is ignored if the macauth tag is given.
# It is possible to specify this tag multiple times.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#macallowed 00-0F-B0-D4-AF-2A

# TAG: macpasswd
# Password to use for MAC authentication.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
macpasswd passwd

# TAG: macsuffix
# Suffix to add to MAC address in order to form the username.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#macsuffix suffix

Fix IP ที่เครื่อง Client เป็น
dns x.x.x.x (แล้วแต่จะใช้)

และ เพิ่ม account ใน phpmyprepaid แบบ Subscription Time Account
ตรง username ให้ใส่ Mac address เช่น 00-13-D4-68-9C-88
ตรงช่อง password ให้ใส่ password อันเดียวกับ ที่บรรทัด macpasswd ในที่นี้คือ passwd

เพิ่มข้อมูล ใน Database
#mysql -u root -p
mysql>insert into radreply (username,attribute,op,value) values('00-13-D4-68-9C-88','Framed-IP-Address',':=','');

mysql>INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, value) VALUES ("00-13-D4-68-9C-88", "Auth-Type", "Accept");


นำ Client มาเสียบสาย LAN แล้วลองเปิดเวบดูนะครับ
ไม่ต้องกรอกข้อมูลหน้า login ใช้เน็ตได้เลย



เรียนภาษาอังกฤษมา แต่ชีวิตผกผันให้ต้องมาเป็น admin ซะนี่ เล่นเอาซะมึน และงงตามลำดับ คิดอย่างเดียวว่า เป็นอะไรเป็นได้ถ้าใจอยากเป็น อุปสรรคคือแบบฝึกหัด ท้อแต่ไม่เคยถอย คิดไว้เสมอ ความพยายามอยู่ที่ไหน ความสำเร็จอยู่ที่นั่น ถ้าพยายามก่อน ก็ชนะแล้ว 50% อีก 50 % ใช้ความสามารถเอาเอง